Dan Quayle Campaigns for Karl Snow
Karl Snow, ??, and Dan Quayle, 1990. p
Vice President Dan Quayle
Vice President Dan Quayle. To the right is Karl Snow. In back is Jake Garn.
Vice President Dan Quayle. To the right is Karl Snow. In back is Jake Garn.
Vice President Dan Quayle. To the right is Orrin Hatch and Karl Snow.
Vice President Dan Quayle shakes Daily Herald reporter Pat Christian’s hand.
Vice President Dan Quayle shakes Daily Herald reporter Pat Christian’s hand.
Secret Service agent and plane during a visit by Vice President Dan Quayle.
Secret Service agent and plane during a visit by Vice President Dan Quayle.
Vice President Dan Quayle shakes hands with schoolchildren.
Dan Quayle shakes hands with elementary school children, 1990. p
Karl Snow supporters hold signs in front of Bill Orton supporters during a campaign appearance by Vice President Dan Quayle, 1990. p
Vice President Dan Quayle
Karl Snow
Vice President Dan Quayle
Vice President Dan Quayle
Jeff Allred photographing Vice President Dan Quayle
Vice-President Dan Quayle
Nikon F4
Springville’s Final Game
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