Best of Utah 2009 – City Weekly

bestofutah.jpgHow cool is this? I made City Weekly’s Best of Utah list. And just look at the name of the award: BEST RECORDER OF A BACK STORY BEHIND A MEDIA CLUSTERF*CK Thank you very much, City Weekly. My parents will be so proud! For anyone who came here from the City Weekly mention (which is quite a chore considering the crazy URL we’ve got here- 166.70.what?), I’ve linked to some of the posts they praised in the text of the award:
When hundreds of journalists descended on West Texas for two months to cover the state raid on the FLDS compound in El Dorado, Salt Lake Tribune chief photographer Trent Nelson kept careful account of the details on his blog Fly on the Wall ( Nelson puts some of his best photos on the blog, as well as ironic and sometimes deeply emotional posts related to the stories he documents. His posts on the FLDS story illustrated the drama, as well as frequent boredom, that comes with hunkering down in a small town to cover a big story.
Thanks again to City Weekly.