Week 10, 2000

Anton Selitaj in what's left of his room in the family home, which was burned by Serbs.


Naim Begiri in the ruins of his uncle's house, where he hid from Serb forces during the war.


Ed Knowles works with Portugese KFOR to rectify various problems in the area, including the concerns of the Serb nuns in Budisalc. Double-exposure.


Three Serbian nuns and their 14th Century Orthodox Church, now guarded by KFOR soldiers.

Serbian Nuns in Budisalc

Ed Knowles dancing with other NGO's at a Mercy Corps party.


Fatima and Redzo Kurbegovic in the remains of their home, destroyed during the war by Serbs.


War-time cemetery at football pitch.

Sarajevo Cemetery