My first shot at video. First touched the camera Friday night. The next day I shot and edited these two pieces, on the Utah high school girls state championship soccer matches.
Big learning experience.
Funny stuff, being a video guy. Whenever I’m at an assignment I try to acknowledge the still photographers I haven’t yet met. But as I walked up and down the sidelines with a video camera, none of them even looked at me. They had me completely tuned out like I wasn’t worth their time. Of course, the ones I did know were avoiding me as if I had some sort of contagious camcorder disease.
Then at the end of a game, I had still photographers continually getting in the way of my shot. The shoe was finally on the other foot.
I also learned that the quality on YouTube is atrocious. I always knew that, but when it’s your own work it really becomes apparent. Maybe I’ll post quicktimes of these later.
Alta vs. Lone Peak, 5A State Championship:
Orem vs. Highland, 4A State Championship: